Keep your kids active, engaged, and inspired!
Our Vacation Care program offers a vibrant mix of indoor and outdoor activities, keeping your child active, engaged, and inspired throughout the NSW school holiday period.
Our school holiday programs are jam-packed with activities designed to stimulate inquisitive minds, get children physically active and discover interests.
Vacation Care allows your child to meet new friends and socialise with others of different ages and diverse backgrounds.
Our activity-based programs are developed by qualified coaches who consider individual children's interests and needs and aim to provide a wide variety of experiences for all children to enjoy.
Our Vacation Care program is available in three-day or five-day options, from 9 AM to 3:30 PM at the Wanderers Fives in Rooty Hill, across the entire January School Holiday period.
Families receiving Family Tax Benefit can apply for an Active Kids voucher for each eligible child.
The voucher is valued at $50 and:
Please CONTACT US if you wish to use your Active Kids Voucher.